It Starts with Our People
At ATS, Diversity and Inclusive is one of our biggest strengths. Our team is dynamic, creative and industrious which allows us to enrich our culture, enhance our business and strengthen our relationships and network with our communities, customers and our people. Presently, our team speaks more than 30 languages!

Our Values
Motivated, Ethics, Quality, Creative
ATS is committed to the fundamental principles of equal employment opportunity. We are dedicated to treating people fairly, with respect and dignity and to offer equal employment opportunities (based on an individual’s qualifications and performance – free from discrimination).
Our Culture
Finding the right fit
Although our company is rapidly going, we still have that small company feel with our strong culture, values and purpose and a place where all employees feel that they belong. ATS encourages a team-based culture with employee participation and collaboration throughout all levels of the organization.

Career Growth and Development
Growing together
ATS places great importance on finding qualified candidates who meet our business demands by considering their skills, personality, work ethics and motivation. In addition to this, we look for a mutual ‘fit,’ where our company and the individual can both benefit and fulfill each other’s goals and needs. You will have the opportunity to work on a variety of tasks and collaborate with super-talented people while developing your skills. We provide our employees with continuous feedback in order to foster their career growth, and in turn, ask for a regular contribution from our team.